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Original Article
Personalized daily-weekly workout arrangement application "cardio fit"
Having mobile applications has become an indispensable part of our lives in recent years. There are many mobile applications that are already being used in the field of fitness. By using these apps, people can lead a more organized and planned lifestyle. However, many apps fail to offer personalized programs for individuals. This makes mobile applications an inefficient method for users to reach their goals. Our mobile application aims to enable users to reach their fitness level effectively and quickly with a program suitable for their body type, physical characteristics, training goals and exercise preferences. Body mass indexes are calculated based on the body measurements that users enter and their maximum oxygen capacity is determined according to their age, the user chooses their fitness goals, selects the equipment they will train with, and indicates whether they have heart rate monitors. Based on this, the appropriate program is presented to the user. This app is not suitable for users over 50 years old. Users have two goal options for the app: “Feeling Good – Breaking a Sweat” and “Achieving Fitness Level (Firming-Fat Burning).” In the “Reach Fitness Level” option, a tightening program is recommended if the user’s weight is above their ideal weight, while a fat burning program is recommended for users who are significantly above their ideal weight. The Kotlin programming language was used to develop this application, and the Firebase database was used to speed up the development process to ensure the effectiveness of fitness programs, the cardio program was provided by a fitness trainer who is an expert in the field. This app retrieves the necessary user information from the database and provides them with the most suitable fitness program. As a result, users can achieve their goals without needing a fitness trainer or going to the gym.

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Volume 1, Issue 2, 2023
Page : 25-28