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Original Article
Developing next-generation educational mobile games in light of technological trends: a study on the "Obstacle Run" game
The focus of this study is directed towards the examination of the design, development, and analysis of user feedback for the hyper-casual game known as "Obstacle Run," with the aim of enhancing mathematical skills. A comprehensive analysis of the game's design, mechanics, and user experience is conducted. The primary objective of the game is to foster the improvement of mathematical skills in an enjoyable manner and to provide support for the learning process through straightforward game mechanics. An in-game mechanism, requiring players to engage in solving mathematical calculations and problems, is presented by the game titled "Obstacle Run." Increasing the character count within the game is envisioned as a means to bolster mathematical proficiency. This study meticulously focuses on the detailed examination of this unique game, where game design, mechanics, and mathematical calculations come together. Additionally, an exploration of the potential of gamification within game development and education is carried out. The results have been derived from the testing of the game prototype and the subsequent analysis of player feedback. This research is also regarded as a step towards comprehending the connection between hyper-casual games and mathematics education, with the aim of presenting a novel perspective in this domain. It is to be noted that this study is intended to serve as a valuable guide for game developers and educators alike. Its findings are poised to serve as a significant resource for future game projects and strategies in mathematics education. In conclusion, this study provides a summary of a significant endeavor aimed at elucidating the potential of hyper-casual games, such as "Obstacle Run," in facilitating the development of mathematical skills and exploring the possibilities of gamification in the realm of education.

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Volume 2, Issue 1, 2024
Page : 1-4