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Original Article
Wireless power transfer systems and wireless charging design between electric vehicles
The foundations of wireless power transmission were laid down by Nikola Tesla many years ago, by transmitting energy wirelessly using a Tesla coil. Nikola Tesla's work many years ago pioneered wireless power transmission studies today. Wireless power transmission, which telephone companies have focused on in recent years, also forms the basis for charging electric vehicles. One of the main reasons why lithium ion batteries are preferred in electric vehicles is the advantages they offer regarding the charging process. These batteries provide longer range compared to other battery types, thanks to their high energy density, that is, they can store more energy compared to their size. At the same time, faster charging capabilities are a great advantage for electric vehicle owners. As a result, charging technology is very important in electric vehicles. In this study, we will present a design project that enables electric vehicles, which have become more common in daily life with the developing technology, to transfer their charge to each other contactlessly in emergency situations. In the design, the receiver coil will be placed on the front hood of the vehicle and the transmitter coil will be placed on the rear hood of the vehicle. There will be a distance sensor where the transmitter coil is located, thanks to this sensor, the distance can be adjusted. When the vehicles reach the optimum distance, the distance sensor will give a warning and be charged enough to go to the nearest charging station. In addition, thanks to the ease of sharing for emergencies, emergency vehicles (ambulances) will be able to quickly receive energy from another vehicle and continue their duties without interruption. In this way, we will reduce the towing cost of electric and hybrid vehicles and provide drivers with uninterrupted driving. In the wireless charging station; We will offer many advantages such as getting rid of cable clutter, providing ease of use, compatibility with all devices, multiple charging and durability.

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Volume 2, Issue 2, 2024
Page : 56-61